Tuesday, July 23, 2013

LEED Convention Center - LEED Certification: Welcome to the Green Cultural Revolution!

The green movement started small and grew into what seems to be the predominant theme of the 21st Century. Green fever is catching on all around the world.  At home, in our cars and at work, people are adapting, step-by-step, to eco-friendly living.

Here at the SMG-managed Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center, our commitment to achieving LEED certification began with all team members making the commitment to follow environmentally wise practices in their departments. Our cultural makeover is a full-time mindset. 

Our Convention Center provides all the tools that staff members need to work toward sustainability, such as convenient recycling stations clearly marked for paper, plastic, glass and cans. We purchase environmentally friendly cleaning products and low-fume-emitting paints, as well as paper towels and tissue made from 100 percent recycled material.  We make a concerted effort to select office supplies and other products that have no negative impact.

All of us reduce paper consumption by using email and the Convention Center’s website to send client documentation whenever possible. Our email signatures end with, “Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.  Together, we’re doing everything we can to become a totally eco-friendly Convention Center and spread the word to everyone else.”
LEED Certification
Going green is currently in vogue, but we believe that it’s here to stay.  If you haven’t already done so, try using some of these easy, eco-friendly products and practices in your daily life.  You’ll save more than money by protecting our planet for generations to come.
  1. Store your information electronically to save paper. When printing out information, print on both sides of each sheet of paper.
  2. Purchase paper, binders, folders and journals made from recycled paper.
  3. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products, from dish-washing liquids to laundry detergents.
  4. Reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides on your lawn and garden, but when necessary use eco-friendly brands.
  5. Buy clothes, bedding and linens made of organic cotton and other materials.
  6. Use environmentally safe paints and other office and home improvement supplies.
It’s easier than ever before to do your part for a sustainable world!

Sustainably yours,
The Green Team

This article was previously published at the www.ftlauderdalecc.com blog.

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